News & Politics

A New York Times writer is using birds to wokescold the American electorate for turning the dial back on climate change progress by inaugurating President Donald Trump. 

Siri, define birdbrain.

“On a Cold, Dark Inauguration Day, a Message From the Birds,” read the headline of Times contributing writer Margaret Renkl’s wacky January 20 guest essay. After seven paragraphs of mindless babbling about the symbolism of birds, Renkl then took to crying “fowl” over the incoming Trump administration. “At the dawn of a year that seems almost certain to make this country into an unrecognizable place, to make this world even less hospitable to birds and everybody else, it turns out I am less interested in symbolic associations than in practicalities,” Renkl whined. Uh, what? [Emphasis added.]

The bird thing apparently just a cheap cover for Renkl to whine about climate change, in addition to throwing temper tantrums over other political matters that literally have nothing to do with birds or climate change:

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The new administration, led by a felon who tried to overturn the results of a fair election, has pledged to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, using military force if necessary, and end constitutionally protected birthright citizenship. He intends to permit more drilling on federal lands and to roll back regulations designed to limit environmental toxins and greenhouse gasses. And all of that is only the beginning.

Who knew birds cared so deeply about immigration policy? Perhaps it’s because they tend to fly south for the winter? Only Renkl seems to know, since that’s where her thought process appears to be headed. 

Given all these political questions that have birds shivering in their gizzards over, Renkl posed the following question to herself: “Seeing those cardinals watching over each other, I wondered: What can I, too, do to be more watchful? To take more care?”

Renkl ended her brain-melting screed bemoaning the hopeless of Trump’s Inauguration Day as ringing a death knell for birds and climate:

Birds don’t exist to serve as symbols, and yet they can’t help but mean something to the symbol-making species watching them through a window or a storm door. On this Inauguration Day that brings no hope for help from elected officials to address climate change or to protect vulnerable species, including our own, the living world is showing us what to do: In the dark days already gathering, we will need to do our best to look out for one another and for the creatures we love.

Senseless word salads like these don’t even warrant an intellectual rebuttal. But it’s worth noting that Renkl finds her climate fanaticism among the likes of lefties like Hanoi Jane Fonda whose logic for pressing for the Green New Deal in September 2020 included a lecture about how birds were allegedly “dive-bombing dead.”

As if we needed more evidence to prove why lefty media types are completely unaware that they have a particularly unique avian-like obsession for living rent-free in their own reality-detached climate activist birdcage. 

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