Doing Biden’s Bidding? Nets HID Inconvenient Truth on Job Numbers Revision

News & Politics

No Shame: Nets Ignore Inconvenient Truth on Job Numbers Revision The Big Three networks have been caught playing the game they so often do: burying facts that destroy their narrative.

This time, the evening newscasts at NBC News, CBS News and ABC News hid the fact that the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised the January jobs numbers far below what it had initially reported.

When the original January jobs numbers were released earlier this year, leftist news outlets jumped up and down in support of Biden, even claiming that the inflation-ravaged economy was “booming.” The downward revision, released on March 8 with the February numbers, dropped the total nonfarm jobs created in January by more than 35 percent, from 353,000 to 229,000. 

The March 8 release also reduced the December 2023 jobs numbers from 333,000 to 290,000, totaling a 167,000-job overestimate for both December and January. But of course, this seismic overestimate didn’t fit the story that the legacy media wanted to shove in the faces of Americans struggling with high prices and debt. It’s simple: the media announces the overly high jobs numbers, praising Biden all the way. Yet when the revision and more context are revealed, the media keeps quiet in a seemingly desperate attempt to maintain the narrative.

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To ignore any mention of the revisions, ABC World News Tonight, in its March 8 show, touted the numbers in the February jobs report, which were lower than the original January report. On March 11, along with the other networks, ABC wasted oodles of time covering a supposedly photoshopped picture of Kate Middleton. On March 12, the network hoped that the Fed would cut interest rates this summer despite the increasing inflation rate.

CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News also reported on completely unrelated stories. CBS Evening News celebrated Barbie dolls on their March 8 broadcast. On March 11, CBS Evening News ran a segment on the Oscars, and the next day, focused on the reopening of Babies’R’Us.  Meanwhile, NBC Nightly News covered the appearance of toy unicorns all over Providence, Rhode Island on March 8 and publicized a phone hotline for cool springs in California on March 13.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News at 818-460-7477, CBS News at 212-975-3247 and NBC News at 212-664-6192 and demand they report truthfully on the condition of labor in America.

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