On Friday, Minnesota Democratic Congressman Dean Phillips threw his hat into the presidential race to challenge President Biden in the Democratic Party primary. And despite their broadcast competitors finding some time for it on their morning and evening newscasts, ABC’s Good Morning America and World News Tonight refused to give Phillips’ campaign any oxygen. Likely hoping it would suffocate before the caucuses and primaries kicked off next year.
World News Tonight didn’t want to give their viewers an opportunity to think about voting for Phillips over Biden, but they did find time to hype how you could vote to name a baby emperor penguin at Sea World! They spent 1 minute and 31 seconds on that story. They also allocated 15 seconds for rivers on Mars and 17 seconds for Taylor Swift becoming a billionaire.
Over on CBS Mornings, they spent 3 minutes and 39 seconds on Phillips’ challenge to Biden but Democratic donor and co-host Gayle King scoffed at him and even insinuated he had no campaign staff. “[H]e showed us that he’s got at least two friends. I’m sure he has more than that. Does he have a campaign staff? Does he have a following?” she jabbed.
By the time CBS Evening News rolled around, they were tired of Phillips and chose to dedicate 24 seconds to local weather reports.
Now, you might be thinking that 24 seconds wouldn’t be enough time for a broadcast network to report on someone challenging an incumbent president of the same party.
Well, it was more than what NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt gave Phillips. Holt sprinted through this three-sentence news brief in all of 18 seconds:
Tonight, President Biden has a new primary challenger. Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips formally announced his candidacy today. The 54-year-old Democrat saying it’s time for the torch to be passed to a new generation of American leaders, and that Republican front-runner Donald Trump can beat President Biden.
Holt failed to mention that Phillips made it on the ballot in New Hampshire, while President Biden did not.
Fox News Channel’s Special Report gave Phillip’s campaign launch a solid 2 minutes and noted that he had a habit of pushing for younger blood in Democratic Party leadership positions. “The 54-year-old Phillips called on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step aside last year. This presidential quixotic quest mirrors that,” reported senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram.
Pergram also highlighted the internal struggle Democrats were having over who they wanted to be their nominee. “An early October Fox News poll of registered voters found 53 percent wanting someone other than President Biden as the nominee,” he noted. “Phillips runs because he believes another Biden candidacy could inadvertently elect former President Trump.”
After noting the “shadow campaign” of California Democrat Gavin Newsom, Pergram concluded: “The entry by Phillips into the presidential sweepstakes reflects Democratic fractures. The Democrat’s left-wing coalition is splinting over support for Israel.”
The transcripts are below. Click “expand” to read:
NBC Nightly News
October 27, 2023
6:52:06 p.m. EasternLESTER HOLT: Tonight, President Biden has a new primary challenger. Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips formally announced his candidacy today. The 54-year-old Democrat saying it’s time for the torch to be passed to a new generation of American leaders, and that Republican front-runner Donald Trump can beat President Biden.
Fox News Channel’s Special Report
October 27, 2023
6:42:55 p.m. EasternBRET BAIER: President Biden has a new primary challenger tonight. Minnesota Democratic Congressman Dean Phillips says it is time for a new generation of leaders. Senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram is on Capitol Hill again tonight.
[Cuts to video]
CHAR PERGRAM: Dean Phillips, first on the ballot in the first in the nation primary state.
DAVID SCANLAN (NH secretary of state): Now, the next part to make it official is $1,000. That’s the filing fee.
DEAN PHILLIPS: I brought small coins.
PERGRAM: Phillips is challenging President Biden, filling the void as the President bypasses New Hampshire.
PHILLIPS: My friends, it is time for a change. [Transition] Not an opposition to President Biden who has my affection and my gratitude.
PERGRAM: The 54-year-old Phillips called on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step aside last year. This presidential quixotic quest mirrors that.
PHILLIPS: It is time for the torch to be passed for a new generation of American leaders right here.
PERGRAM: An early October Fox News poll of registered voters found 53 percent wanting someone other than President Biden as the nominee. Phillips runs because he believes another Biden candidacy could inadvertently elect former President Trump.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: But, could this only weaken Biden in the general election and unwittingly help Trump in the general.
PHILLIPS: Absolutely not. The only people that would say that are people that have something else to protect.
PERGRAM: President Biden suggested he was a short timer three years ago.
JOE BIDEN (then-presidential candidate): I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else. There’s an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me.
PERGRAM: Another younger high profile Democrat is seemingly running a shadow campaign. Gavin Newsom meeting Chinese leader XI Jinping overseas.
GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): There will not be one more essential than the relationship we form together, the United States and China in our lifetimes.
[Cuts back to live]
PERGRAM: The entry by Phillips into the presidential sweepstakes reflects Democratic fractures. The Democrat’s left-wing coalition is splinting over support for Israel. Bret.
BAIER: Chad Pergram live on the hill. Chad, thanks.