Biden Can’t Shake the Taint of Corruption Allegations

News & Politics

The White House’s propaganda team is clearly not doing a good job.

For months now, Joe Biden and the White House have been trying to sell “Bidenomics” to the public. It hasn’t worked. No matter what kind of messaging they use to tout the economy, when Biden says we’re seeing “Bidenomics in action,” all Americans really know that they’re paying more for almost everything now than they were when Biden first took office. That’s why polls consistently show that Biden’s efforts to brand the economy with his name have backfired, and Americans overwhelming trust Republicans over Democrats on the economy right now.

Similarly, the White House has sought to downplay Joe Biden’s connections with his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and deny Joe took part in any influence-peddling schemes.

And that’s not working either.

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Recent polling shows increasing numbers of Americans have become convinced that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden did something illegal in connection with Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

A Fox News poll indicates a significant increase in the percentage of people who believe Hunter Biden may have engaged in illegal activities related to his business dealings in Ukraine and China since last year, going from 39% in December 2022 to 52% now. This shift is noticeable across the political spectrum, with independents (+18 points), Democrats (+13), and Republicans (+11) all becoming more likely to suspect Hunter of criminal behavior since December.

Related: Is This the Most Pathetic Defense of Joe Biden’s Impeachable Offenses?

This make sense, as an Economist/YouGov poll from August found that 72% of American adults believe Hunter Biden profited from his father’s position, including 53% of Democrats and 72% of independents.

The Fox News poll also shows an increase in the percentage of people who think Joe Biden might have done something illegal in connection to his son’s foreign business transactions. In December 2022, 35% believed this to be the case, whereas now 40% believe so. While this is a modest shift overall, these numbers aren’t moving in the right direction for Joe Biden, especially since the largest shift is among independents. Another 29% say Biden did something unethical but not criminal. Only 28% believe he did nothing wrong.

This is not the only poll showing that the investigations into Hunter Biden are hurting Joe Biden. A new AP/NORC poll found that 35% of U.S. adults believe that Joe Biden did something illegal, and another 33% believe he behaved unethically. Only 30% surveyed in this poll believe he didn’t do anything wrong.

In short, between the Fox News poll and the AP/NORC poll, it’s clear that less than a third of Americans believe Joe Biden did nothing wrong. That’s a rather low number considering the both the White House and the mainstream media have repeated the false claim that there’s “no evidence” of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. But the polls suggest that Americans once again aren’t buying the propaganda because they know that the House Oversight Committee has the receipts, including eyewitness testimony and financial records.

Americans clearly know that Biden used his position as vice president of the United States to get millions of dollars funneled to his family and launder that money via twenty different shell companies, and that he used a $1 billion loan to Ukraine as leverage to get a prosecutor investigating Burisma fired because Hunter was getting $1 million a year sitting on their board. Republicans have the receipts, and the polls are not moving in Biden’s favor on this.

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