‘Green’ Energy Undermines America’s Electric Grid

News & Politics

After years of some states struggling with unreliable electric grids, partly due to green energy, experts are warning that the worst way to undermine the reliability of America’s electric grid is to increase “green” energy and electric vehicles (EVs).

Before the Sept. 28 House hearing, “Powering America’s Economy, Security, and Our Way of Life: Examining the State of Grid Reliability,” several climate experts released comments highlighting points worth examining. Jason Isaac, CEO and founder of the American Energy Institute, said:

The International Energy Agency (IEA) finds that there were an expected 20 million more people without electricity globally, totaling 775 million people, in 2022. This situation is made worse by the left’s insistence on unreliable, variable, and Chinese made sources of energy that have resulted in higher costs and less reliable electricity everywhere they’ve been implemented. Congress needs to let markets work and immediately repeal the market distorting subsidies that are picking China over American energy.

The mention of Chinese-made energy sources is particularly apropos. As of last year, Visual Capitalist Elements reported that Communist China absolutely dominates the global solar panel supply chain. China controls a staggering 75% of “every single key stage of solar photovoltaic panel manufacturing and processing,” VC Elements stated. Furthermore, as of 2021, Chinese companies scored 7 out of 10 on the list of the world’s top manufacturers of wind turbines. The green energy craze merely enriches Communist China.

Not to mention, “green” energy is actually terrible for the environment. Solar panels and wind turbines have killed billions of birds, for instance, and offshore wind turbines can also be deadly for whales. Besides killing wildlife, solar panels and wind turbines also generate a whole lot of toxic waste. The environmental benefits of “green” energy are as fake as the alleged climate crisis.

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James Taylor, president of the Heartland Institute, warned more specifically about EVs.“The quickest way to destroy the stability and efficiency of the electric grid is to require or promote electric vehicles. The grid simply could not withstand all that added demand,” he said. It’s also significant that EV batteries actually generate lots of toxic waste, so they’re not better for the environment. For context, and in support of Taylor’s point, 30 electric trucks in Joliet, Ill., would have reportedly required more power to charge than the entire city (population 150,000+).

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., director of the Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, also called out EVs and green energy as undermining the electric grid:

The electric grid is being threatened not by market forces, or foreign powers, but by government policies placing ever more demand on the system with electric vehicle and appliance mandates while simultaneously requiring that the system incorporate and rely upon increasing amounts of unreliable, intermittent, wind and solar power.

For example, California’s grid is already strained partly due to its increasing dependence on unreliable and inefficient “green” energy.

By pushing “green” energy and EVs, climate alarmists are trying to wreck America’s energy grid.

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