Is It Possible That the COVID Shots Are Driving Red Meat Allergies?

News & Politics

Is it possible that the mRNA shots deceptively marketed as “vaccines” are driving the spike in red meat allergies across the U.S.?

First, let’s lay some foundation for the argument. Here are stone-cold facts:

The CDC, as I have reported at PJ Media, has been warning of an unexplained rise in a red meat allergy called alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), which (at least historically) has been caused by a molecule introduced into humans by way of a tick bite.

CDC (emphasis added):

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During January 1, 2017–December 31, 2022, a total of 357,119 tests were submitted from residences in the United States, corresponding to 295,400 persons. Overall, 90,018 (30.5%) persons received a positive test result in the study period, and the number of persons with positive test results increased from 13,371 in 2017 to 18,885 in 2021. Among 233,521 persons for whom geographic data were available, suspected cases predominantly occurred in counties within the southern, midwestern, and mid-Atlantic U.S. Census Bureau regions. These data highlight the evolving emergence of AGS and can be used to help state and local health agencies initiate surveillance and target public health outreach and health care provider education to high-risk localities…

The number of AGS cases in the United States is predicted to increase during the coming years, presenting a critical need for synergistic public health activities including 1) community education targeting tick bite prevention to reduce the risk for acquiring AGS, 2) HCP education to improve timely diagnosis and management, and 3) improved surveillance to aid public health decision-making.

There are two important takeaways from the CDC’s report:

  • The agency offers no explanation of why AGS would, as of 2021, be spiking among Americans. AGS has been identified for decades and the lone star tick is not an invasive species; it’s been present in certain American regions for a long time.
  • The agency also notes that AGS is now present in areas where the lone star tick is not found: “This study also identified focal clusters of cases in areas where there are no known established populations of lone star ticks, such as Minnesota and Wisconsin… small retrospective review in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin found that of 47 AGS patients who received positive alpha-gal sIgE test results, 11 (23%) lived in areas where the lone star tick was not previously known to be present.”

As has been exhaustively documented by me and my colleagues at PJ Media, the corporate state technocracy has launched an all-out assault on meat consumption – ostensibly for something called “climate change.”

The Irish government, for instance, is currently planning to slaughter 65,000 cows for “climate change.”

The corporate state media is very excited about feeding the public lab-grown meat, mealworms, etc., as meat replacements. U.S. regulatory authorities recently granted the first-ever authorization for the sale of lab-grown meat in the United States.

And now the final piece of evidence: the admission from the CDC itself that components of vaccines contain alpha-gal, the molecule responsible for AGS:

Via CDC:

Some medications and vaccines may contain small amounts of alpha-gal-containing additives, stabilizers, or coatings. Not all patients with AGS react to these ingredients.

Is it outside of the realm of possibility that the COVID-19 “vaccines,” which came online in 2021 at the same time that the CDC is reporting a spike in AGS, are the culprits? We have plenty of circumstantial evidence.

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