At Slate, Lili Loofbourow has a long indignant cry about those terrible pro-lifers and how they’ve trampled on democracy by . . . passing legislation through democratically elected legislative bodies: “cheating . . . a simple procedural violation . . . disenfranchising half the country . . . denatured process that got us here . . . We’re long past democracy working, even if many have yet to realize it, because so much of its dismantling has been invisible to the public . . . ” You get the gist.
At no point does it occur to Loofbourow that the point of her argument is to bolster a legal regime that nobody ever voted to put in the Constitution, that overturned the democratically enacted laws of every state to impose an extreme policy with which many Americans disagreed, and that prevents democratic majorities from protecting what they (rightly) see as an important civil right still. Her subject is grim, but her self-satisfied cluelessness manages still to be amusing.